Linkline Transport

Linkline Transport diesel tank
Linkline Transport 40000 litre diesel tank

Customer: Linkline Transport


Linkline transport are one of the biggest logistics companies in the UK with a fleet of over 100 vehicles and growing at a rapid rate.


Linkline transport are one of the biggest logistics companies in the UK with
a fleet of over 100 vehicles and growing at a rapid rate.

They requested a 40,000 litre the diesel tank with an incorporated adblue tank to hold 5000 litres.

Both components were fitted with 240v pumps. The main diesel element was fitted with a free standing 70 litre per minute fuel management system pump which can have up to 50 users.

The tank was finished in Linkline green to match their fleet and the customer was more than happy with he product and the 6-7 week lead time.

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