Bells Fuels

Bells Fuels 70000 Litre Bunded Fuel Tank
Bells Fuels 70000 litre bunded fuel tank

Customer: Bells Fuels –


For Bells Fuels we built a 70,000 litre tank with a 10,000 litre compartment, along with a bespoke 400LPM Kerosine pump and a smaller 70LPM pump for the diesel tank.


Bells Fuels required a 70,000 litre tank with a 10,000 litre compartment for diesel. We worked closely with the client to create a bespoke solution.

We spent three weeks working on the project and we were very pleased with how it turned out in the end.

We fitted a bespoke 400LPM Kerosine pump and a smaller 70LPM pump for the bunded diesel tank. LPM stands for Litres per minute.

Our client was very satisfied as always, and we look forward to working with them again in the near future.

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